
Research Recommendations:

  1. Two prophylactic sprays of Captan or Ziram @ 0.2 % are recommended for the control of ergot disease.

  2. Seed treatment with Apron 35 SD @ 5.7 g/kg followed by spraying with Metalaxyl MZ-72 @ 0.4 % are recommended for control for downy mildew disease of bajra.

  3. Studies on the life cycle of ergot pathogen (Claviceps fusiformis) indicated that for the development of infection and spread of the pathogen, temperatures ranging between 23-240 c and relative humidity > 90 % are most congenial. Sclerotia that develop in infected flowers contain 0.42-0.62% ergotoxine. Sclerotia are known to survive for 2-3 years.

  4. After rigorous testing the hybrids/varieties viz. RHRBH-8609, ICTP-8203, WCC-75, Male sterile line-ICMA-88006, ICMA-89111, ICMA-95444, A-841, A-842,A-863,A-4, A-10,RHRB-1A, 4AR10A,PNMS-2A and 17A, HMS-8A, 1A and 6A were found resistant to downy mildew disease.