
Spectacular increase in Patients inflow in College Dispensary

The patients’ inflow wassubstantiallyincreased by 3.5 fold (during last three years i.e. from 2015-16, which confirmed the development in existing facilities. The spectacular scene is depicted by graphical presentation.


Receipts generation at College Dispensary

The receipts generated through the registration fee, medicines and the treatments were the stagnant i.e. moving nearby Rs. 13,500/- up to 2014-15. However, during 2017-18, the reeipts were substantial increased by 15 times more.


The increases of patients inflow thereby increase in receipts is due to focused attention towards proper diagnosis, punctuality of the dispensary staff, priority to the patients, availability of medicines, behavior of the staff with patients, up-to-date records, pleasant environment in the dispensary, etc. The inflow of the patients increased due to the merit of diagnosis and treatment, and the friendliness and affection towards patients.